Victorious dawn watch (02/01/2022@4:00AM)

Text: 1 John 3: 11-18

Exhorter: Sister Consorcia Mamaril

It's quite easy to love by words. It's easy to say "I love you" to others, but the real test of love is expressed in action and truth. It's not easy to express affection in our words, but by letting yourself serve others. It means dying for our own benefit and allowing the beauty and love of the Lord Jesus to be seen in us to be shown to others in our actions and attitudes. To. Loving in a word is compared with loving in action. It is interpreting one's warm words into meaningful, practical deeds, through the sufficient grace of God. Loving facts and truths are supernatural love that comes directly from God Himself and can only appear in the lives of new believers who walk the spirit and truth.

In the book of Genesis, it stated that Abel made a better sacrifice by faith. Since faith is always a reply to God`s revelation, we must assume that God has revealed to Cain and Abel the correct kind of sacrifice He demanded. Abel obeyed faith. Cain made an unacceptable sacrifice from rebellion and disobedience. His envy began to boil when his brother's offer was accepted and Cain was rejected. God confronted Cain and counseled him to repent (Genesis 4:67), but Cain ignored the warning. As a result, he killed his brother.

As a servant of the Lord, let us evaluate ourselves if our heart and deeds are pleasing to God not to man. Let us do our responsibilities with love not because we wanted to be appreciated by our leaders but because we want to please God.

As God commanded us to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind and love our neighbor. Love our enemy.

When God sees that our motive is right, He will guide and bless us in everything we do. So, How do we love?

First, Doing it right!. Let us not just say I love you, Lord, I Love the ministry. Do it rightfully and show it in action.

Second, Act right!. if we take a look at the life of Abel and Cain, we already know who did the right action in giving. Let us give the best for the Lord and not just the excess part of our salaries.

And third, Showing it right!. Showing right by showing good to others that He may be Glorified (in verse 18). We must show good examples to others. We must be living testimony of the goodness of the Lord.

Knowing the real love of God is to act according to His will (1 John 3:16). We must share what we had received. It means don’t be afraid to share the truth about God.

Galatians 6:9 says “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

God bless His word, and His chosen messenger through the life of Sister Consorcia Mamaril. God bless the readers, listeners, and doers of His words.


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