Victorious Dawn watch (02/03/2022@4:00AM)

Text: John 21:1-6

Exhorter: Sister Rose P. Marayag

Title: From ordinary to extraordinary


There is always the presence of Christ for the preparation of Christians. He is with us whether our lives are easy or difficult, or in between. Whether our faith is felt strongly, shaken, or in between, it never fails or abandons us. Jesus does not exist in the body, as He did for his disciples. But He is with us like us because He rules from heaven and is licensed by His spirit. Are we ready to admit these facts, ready to receive what He gives, and ready to witness His constant preparations?

There are three truths in order to experience an extraordinary move of God.

In order to experience extra-ordinary, first is that we need to always depend on God. In John 15:5, it says that we have to always connect to God in everything we do for a fruitful life. We must always connect our mind and heart to God to experience victorious and fruitful living. Even with our plans in our life, we must commit and submit to God for He says that “apart from Him, we can do nothing”. God wants us to depend on Him. He will never grow tired of our dependence. God would rather for us to go to Him first instead of waiting until we have exhausted all other possibilities.

Secondly, walking alone with Jesus. Let us walk together with the presence of our Lord in everything we do and plan to do. The person who has Christ abiding in him or her bears “much fruit.” Let us take time to walk alone with Jesus every day. Listen to His voice, meditate on His Word, and pour out heartfelt prayers before His throne of mercy and grace. Become empowered to accomplish great good for our Lord.

Third, we must have an ultimate goal of having fellowship with Jesus through His word. In John 21: 12-13 states that no one from His disciples asked Jesus for who He was for they already know that He is the Lord. They were so lucky that they had experienced face-face fellowship with the Lord. And now, we can only connect with Him through our daily devotions by reading and meditating on His words.

 Fruitfulness depends completely on fellowship with Christ. Believers must have a fruitful relationship with their divine source in order to produce eternity. Branches alone cannot bear fruit. It needs a vine. God owns all resources we needed. The vine makes what is drawn from the vine. We must realize that we are not enough on our own. There is a danger of self-sufficiency. The principle Jesus teaches here is that we cannot show anything to God without relying on Christ because once again “apart from Him we are nothing”. No one has the ability to do anything for God on their own.

When you put what is in your hand into his hand, He will discover that it will perform miracles and bring about growth. Perhaps he will return you the ordinary "wand" you gave up-but this time it will be filled with extraordinary power to change your life and the world. Go and make disciples of God. Share the good news that in Him your ordinary life would change it into extraordinary.

God bless His words, His chosen messenger through the life of Sister Rose P. Marayag. God bless the readers, listeners, and doers of His words.


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