Text: Luke 5:1-11

Exhorter: Bro. Noel Rivera
Title: Availability for the Lord!
Why is availability so important to God when he looks for people he can use?
What’s the hardest thing for you to give up when considering whether to give God everything?
The Chosen messenger, through the life of Brother Noel Rivera, had taught us on How to become always available for God.
He taught us to become always be eager to listen to the word of God without excuses. You may think that you are quite familiar with the story of Samuel's call. We heard and talked about it many times in 1 Samuel 3. That God spoke to Samuel 3x and Samuel had the eagerness to listen to what God will say unto him. At this moment, are we also going to do the same? to have the eagerness to respond to the calling of God?
In verse 2 of Luke 5, the Lord uses Simon’s boat. That boat symbolizes the platform that God had used in preaching His words to the people. And in this life, when God had placed us into the situation (be used as the boat), are we going to be still available for God?. Also, the same is through with the gadgets we have and other material things that can be used for the Glory of God (may it be during dawn watch, the night of power, etc.). Are these things available for God?. When our leaders directed us to do a task (whether in the dawn watch activity or night of power), let us be available, always available for the Glory of God. If you think you are not knowledgeable, not yet fully trained, etc. DO NOT WORRY for GOD chooses not the witty or intelligent person, those who are willing to obey and have a compassionate heart to serve will be guided. Let us dwell on God’s power that HE will make us available. Fight for laziness. Always have the eagerness to wake up early in the morning to seek first God in our life, we must be eager to know the revelations of God in this life.
When Jesus is preaching on the shore of Galilee, the crowd presses in around Him, so He gets into an empty boat and tells Simon to go out a little way. A little thing we have, God can make it too big. He will bless the small things we have as long as we will be like Simon, who is always available to follow God. We, as a servant of the Lord in the ministry, must also, develop or enhance our ability for the Glory of God for us to be able to do what God has been planned for us.
In verse 4-7 of Luke 5, the Lord tested how deep Simons’ faith. After Jesus has finished preaching, He tells Simon to go deeper and let down his nets. When Simon does this, there is such a large catch, he has to call for help to bring it in. There is enough fish to fill two boats. The Lord has been testing us for how deep our faith in Him. We have to deepen our faith in him. Just like Simon, when He obeyed Jesus even though They have tried many times but still they never catch a single fish, and then when Jesus commanded or instructed Him to throw it again, Simon remains faithful, he followed Jesus. And because of that obedience heart of Simon, it comes that they have caught too many fish. If we want God to be available for us, we must be willing to obey and be available for God.
In verse 10-11, God told them to become fishers of men instead of fishers of fish. It was the right place, the right time, the right thing. So, they left everything to obey Jesus. When Jesus is called, it is always right to go with him.
He will never be late and will always be in time for Kairos time, moments of opportunity, and moments of crossroads. Making a "yes" or "no" decision at this moment of vocation changes the direction of our lives.
Not all of us are called to rush away from our business and our families. But you know, as God has spoken to you for months, perhaps years when the call turns in a new direction. Opportunity or perhaps crisis, Jesus says: "Come and follow me." We noticed in our life that God has instilled ideas and dreams in our heart. That's what we think. Suddenly "someday" is "today", which is always too early for my human thinking.
But at God's timing, the opportunities, resources, and support of others come together, and we must be confident in saying yes to Jesus again.
No matter where you’ve been, what you’re afraid of, God can still use you to make a difference in this world. What he needs from you is a total commitment to him. God wants you to be all-in on his plan for you.
Let us make sure that our education, our resources, talent/knowledge, and time will always be available for God. Simon left his fishing business to follow Jesus. We don’t have slow (lambat), we don’t have the boat (bangka) but what God wants is for us to leave everything that may hinder to follow Him. We must now leave our bad attitude just us gossip (marites attitude) etc. Obedience is going in the direction that Gods’ told us to do and go.
When the time that God will set and placed us into a task, are we going to say “Lord, I am available”.
When we say available, he/she is ready and excited. Being able to do the task and or be used. It is a quality of being available and ready to be used.
God bless His words, the Chosen messenger through the life of Bro. Noel Rivera. God bless the readers, listeners and doers of His word.


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